The Podium's 3-day Sale
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
This is for all my Canada-based readers (as if I got one heheh), they will be having a sale this weekenat the International Centre Hall 4 from Thursday to Sunday. Click on the image to enlarge or you may visit to know more about this.
For my US-based subscriber and readers, sorry for the late notice.
If you haven't treat yet your grandparents on their special day, here's your chance now. Manila Ocean Park presents Great to be Grand with Kidstime Magazine on September 26, from 10am to 7pm. There are lots of special prizes await for you and your grandparents. Visit Kidstime Multiply site to know more about it.
Check this out, saw this from Cebu Pacific's tweet:
Click on this Coming Home to Outback! to know more about it :)
Here's another invites from them that is worth sharing. If you are still on party planning, you may check this out. Here's the details:
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