Heartbound CD Giveaway
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Catch the Drift with Mama Snow and Heartbound are giving away 2 newly release HeartboundCD. Simply click the image above to join the fun. Ends on September 7th. Have fun and good luck!

Just recently if you have been reading my other personal blog, you would probably notice that at last I have found a way to exercise and that is through running. It has been introduced to me, actually to us by few of my best buds. They have been into running for a few months now and I am talking about a few of my friends who are also a mom like me. Since we all believe that we still need to be healthy and fit even if we already have kids, we have decided to organize our own run so we don’t need to just wait for a running events. Plus it will be free of registration fee :)
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